Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Gum Disease: Causes and Treatments

Gum disease can be painful, irritating, and frustrating. It can also affect your overall health and wellness. Here at Lehigh Valley Smiles in Easton, PA we are dedicated to helping patients understand how gum disease happens so they can prevent it.

Gum disease occurs when plaque and tartar build-up irritates gums. The infected gums will begin to recede, if not treated. The receded gums expose the tooth’s root and create a deep gum pocket. This pocket collects bacteria and allows it to reach down deep by the roots of teeth.  This is a problem because it can cause decay of the tooth below the gum line and it perpetuates the gum disease. In order to remove the bacteria, a scaling and planing procedure is needed. We use a tool to remove plaque, tartar, and rough spots on the tooth where bacteria can hide. After gum disease is cleared up, a surgical process is often needed to repair the receded gums and deep pockets.

To keep plaque and tartar from irritating the gums, brush your teeth two to three times per day. Flossing every day is also important to remove plaque from between teeth. Make sure to brush in circular motions to hit the gum line well. To schedule your professional cleaning with Lehigh Valley Smiles of Easton, PA, call our office at   (610) 252-7414 or visit our website,

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Implants for Permanent Tooth Replacement

Missing teeth means you bite differently, chew differently, and maybe even talk differently. There are several replacement options out there but only dental implants have the ability to last a lifetime. This is why we offer dental implants here at Lehigh Valley Smiles in Easton, PA.

Implants are permanently placed in your mouth. The titanium implant post is placed into the bone socket, where it will bond with the jawbone. The bonding process will take a few months, so you will wear a temporary crown during this time. When the customized crown is ready, an abutment is attached to the implant post. The permanent crown is then cemented into place for a lifetime.

Dental implants are a great option because they don’t require healthy teeth to be reduced to place them. Being a single tooth replacement, brushing and flossing are made easier, so oral health is easier to maintain. With a good oral hygiene routine, implants can last a lifetime.

To find out about implants, a permanent tooth replacement solution, contact Lehigh Valley Smiles. Our Easton, PA office can be contacted by calling us at  (610) 252-7414 or by visiting our website,

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Teeth Care for Seniors

As we age, our bodies grow weaker, and the same applies to our teeth. Fortunately, our staff at Lehigh Valley Smiles can assist you in keeping them healthy. Your teeth are some of the strongest units in your body. However, they can still be worn down. No matter what your age, your permanent teeth can last a lifetime with proper oral hygiene and regular dental checkups.

Even if you brush and floss regularly, you may face certain issues in your senior years when it comes to your oral health. This is because seniors are more prone to oral health conditions such as darkened teeth, gum disease, sensitive and tooth decay. In reference to our bodies growing weaker, the same applies to our hands. Certain medical conditions, such as arthritis in the hands and fingers, may make brushing or flossing teeth difficult or impossible to perform.

If you are a senior struggling with your oral health routine, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Alan Dilsaver, DDS, FAGD in Easton, PA, call 610-252-7414.