Thursday, April 24, 2014

Periodontics and Gum Care

While taking care of your teeth is an essential part of your oral hygiene routine, your gums are also an important aspect of your health and requireperiodontal cleaning and treatment to stay at peak health. With Dr. Alan Dilsaver of Lehigh Valley Smiles, our patients in Easton, PA can be sure their gums are well cared for.

Periodontal disease is responsible for 75 percent of all adult tooth loss cases in the United States. This means it is critical to check for and treat periodontal issues when they first arise. Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums that starts as plaque and hardens into tartar. As the tartar accumulates, bacteria collect and attack the soft tissue in the surrounding gums. This early stage is called gingivitis, and if it is left untreated, gingivitis will become periodontis. Periodontis can destroy tissue around the teeth and even lead to loss of bone mass in the jaw bone. Tooth loss can result, and heart disease, stroke and diabetes have also been linked to poor periodontal health.

It is important to prevent periodontal disease or catch it in its early stages, and Dr. Dilsaver is extremely knowledgeable and experienced with periodontal therapy, and he will work hard to ensure that you maintain optimal oral health. If you notice that your gums are red, swollen or tender or they bleed during normal brushing and flossing, schedule an appointment with our practice by calling (610) 252-7414. For more information,

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Crowns are used to protect and strengthen teeth that have become extremely weak, decayed or fractured. Covering your affected tooth and restoring it to its original shape and size, dental crowns (sometimes called caps) can help reduce pain, save your tooth from needing to be extracted and keep your smile beautiful and functional. At Lehigh Valley Smiles, we can see if a crown is necessary to save your smile.

Over time, as your teeth begin to weaken, they become more susceptible to problems, including decay, cracks and discoloration. Crowns are usually only necessary if decay has reached the point where the tooth structure is compromised. When a crown is installed, the decay is removed from the tooth and a core build-up is used to insulate the nerve and create a surface to bond the crown to. An impression is then made of this surface so that crown can be custom fitted. Usually made of porcelain, gold or porcelain fused to metal, after the crown is fabricated, it is cemented onto the current tooth. This fabrication process can take between two to three weeks.

Crowns are made incredibly strong to protect the remaining tooth structure, and the custom fit ensures that the seam between tooth and crown is minuscule, which helps protect the tooth from further decay.

If you’re experiencing decay and pain in one of your teeth, stop by our office to see if a crown can save your smile. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Alan Dilsaver by calling (610) 252-7414. For more information

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Waterlase Technology

Patented Waterlase® technology utilizes YSGG laser energy and a water spray to create a more comfortable experience during certain dental procedures. This technology allows Dr. Alan Dilsaver to use fewer shots and less anesthesia, which provides more comfort and eases anxiety for the patient while he performs corrective dentistry. This is why we offer Waterlase® technology at Lehigh Valley Smiles in Easton, PA.

Waterlase® technology can be used to remove tooth enamel decay, which is the hardest substance in the human body, as well as bone and gum tissue. It can do so without affecting surrounding areas, which means that you will be able to keep more of your healthy tooth structure if decay does need to be removed. The technology can also be used for root canals, smile design and bone and gum surgery. When used in preparation for cavity fillings, it can actually result in longer-lasting fillings.

This technology bypasses the pain caused by other dental tools by cutting without the use of heat, pressure or vibration, allowing dentists to cut teeth, gums and bone with less trauma. The benefits of the technology include less post-operative pain, bleeding and swelling. There is also usually less of a need for pain medication, and because it requires less anesthesia, Dr. Dilsaver can perform the procedures instead of referring you to an outside specialist.

For a comfortable dental experience, schedule an appointment with Lehigh Valley Smiles by calling (610) 252-7414. For more information, visit

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Rotary Endodontics

If you’ve had a root canal performed to save an infected tooth, it probably didn’t occur to you to ask what type of tools your dentist was using. However, if your dentist used the old, manual method of removing infection, the procedure may have been nerve racking. That’s why here, at Lehigh Valley Smiles, Dr. Alan Dilsaver uses rotary endodontics technology for root canals.

Proving a smoother, more comfortable experience during root canals, rotary endodontics technology allows Dr. Dilsaver to remove the infected pulp in the inner root canal more quickly, more smoothly and with less chance of complications. Rotary endodontics utilizes electric instruments, rather than the traditional, stainless steel files. The electric hand tool is made of nickel titanium and is much more flexible than stainless steel, which means that it can be inserted into the curved root canal without damaging the passageway.

We prefer to use rotary endodontics at our practice because it is smoother, more consistent and quicker than the traditional method. In addition, the tools are much quieter, without the grinding noise that other tools produce, which will help to put you at ease during the procedure. This is why both our patients and we prefer this technology. While the manual method works adequately at saving teeth during root canals, rotary endodontics tools are much less scary and easier to use.

Schedule an appointment with us by calling (610) 252-7414. For more information visit