Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Invisalign vs Braces

Straight teeth are something so many of us desire; however, many patients will decide not to go through with it because of the thought of braces. Fortunately, here at Lehigh Valley Smiles in Easton, PA, you do not have to wear traditional metal braces. We offer Invisalign as a convenient and nearly invisible alternative.

Invisalign works well for many of our patients and it has several possible advantages over braces:


Eating What You Like

With braces, you need to watch what you eat so that you do not damage or pop off the brackets. With Invisalign, you take the aligners out to eat so you can continue to eat whatever you like!


Easier Hygiene

With braces, you will have to buy an interdental cleaner brush and floss threaders. With Invisalign, you can brush and floss normally because you take out your aligners to do so!



Probably the biggest benefit to choosing Invisalign over metal braces is that there is no “metal mouth” look. The aligners are nearly invisible, so no one can even tell you are straightening your teeth!


Straightening your teeth gives you a beautifully straightened smile in the end, so why sacrifice your smile for years with metal braces? To set up your Invisalign consultation, call Lehigh Valley Smiles of Easton, PA at (610) 252-7414 or visit our website,

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