Tuesday, May 23, 2017

No Need to be Nervous for Your Root Canal

Root canals have had a bad reputation in the past, but with current technology, patients do not have to fear this procedure anymore. At Lehigh Valley Smiles in Easton, PA, we utilize rotary endodontics for a quicker, smoother root canal experience.

To begin a root canal, first, there is an access hole drilled in your tooth to access the center of the tooth. We use a dental drill to drill into the center and remove the infected pulp. We then fill the tooth with a sealant and seal the access hole.

In the past, drilling was performed manually with a steel file. These days, we use nickel titanium alloy files that are much more flexible and we use an electric drill. The more flexible files will not stretch the root canal or cause damage; which decreases pain during and after the procedure. The dental drill will make the process quicker and smoother.

If nerves have been keeping you from scheduling a root canal, feel comfortable scheduling your appointment with us. Rotary endodontics will make sure your root canal is gentle, fast, and effective. To schedule at Lehigh Valley Smiles in Easton, PA, call our office at (610) 252-7414 or visit our website, www.lehighvalleysmiles.net.

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