Wednesday, March 16, 2016

TMJ Pain and What We Can Do

TMJ pain can affect how you eat, what you eat, and it can affect many of your daily activities. At Lehigh Valley Smiles in Easton, PA, we have recognized many of our patients’ TMJ issues and work with them to relieve the symptoms and pain.

TMJ pain is often referred to as TMD (temporomandibular joint dysfunction). A cause of TMD is not exactly pinpointed; however, there are certain things that can trigger pain. Common symptoms of TMD include a swollen and painful jaw joint, sore jaw and facial muscles, clicking in the jaw, difficulty chewing, ear pain, headaches, and the locking of your jaw. The jaw is responsible for so much including eating, talking, smiling, laughing, and showing emotion. This is part of why TMD is such a frustrating condition to live with.

Fortunately, here in our Easton, PA dental practice we are trained in recognizing TMD and can offer our patients relief. Through guidance, pain relief tips, and possibly a night guard, we can make sure TMD isn’t a daily interrupter.

If you are suffering with jaw pain, make sure to schedule an appointment with us. To schedule at Lehigh Valley Smiles in Easton, PA, call us at (610) 252-7414 or visit our website,

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